Harley Street Medical Area Partnership: BID Development

The aim of the Harley Street Medical Area Partnership (HSMAP) is to promote the Harley Street Area as an internationally recognised area of medical and healthcare innovation, excellence and expertise through becoming the first medical Business Improvement District (BID).

A BID is a defined footprint within an area in which a levy is charged on business rate payers which then goes towards improvements within the specified area which can include public realm initiatives, safe and secure interventions, informative and interesting programmes for all who use the area to enjoy and most importantly creating recognition and an identity for the area.

HSMAP as a partnership are currently funded by voluntary partners.  We will be making contact with all the businesses within the area and are keen to engage positively to gain feedback and provide initiatives that the businesses are keen to see.  Our key themes are Public Realm and Wayfinding; National and International Marketing; Business Sustainability and Connectivity. We will be discussing each of our projects in separate issues and ways you can get involved.

Public Realm & Wayfinding:

The focus on public realm and wayfinding allows us to look at the wellbeing and safety of residents who frequent the HSMA as well as ease of use for our international visitors who may use public transport to access the area.  A public realm study has been undertaken and we are looking at developing some projects as listed below as the Partnership evolves:

  • Greening projects
  • Improved directional signage at undergrounds
  • Zero/low emissions supplier directory
  • Click and collect- area consolidation schemes to improve air quality
  • Hard copy and digital directional maps/ area literature
  • Lobbying and engagement with TFL
  • Public realm study of the area


  • We are working on creating an interactive map and business directory for the HSMAP website hsmapartnership.com . We are keen to invite businesses to be included in this project so if ou would like to have your business featured please do let us know.
  • If you have comments that you feel the Partnership can provide support with please do contact us on comms@hsmapartnership.com

We will be giving monthly updates towards the BID development process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the HSMAP executive team at comms@hsmapartnership.com
