Is your lifestyle causing Dry Eye?

In these unprecedented times our focus has turned more to healthcare and wellbeing, on a personal level, lifestyle level and on a society level.

Dry eye afflicts a growing number of people in the United Kingdom every year from all age groups and walks of life. Our common lifestyle of mobile phone use, air-conditioned offices, computer related eye strain are among a few causes of Dry Eye. Moreover, as women approach menopause we are finding a sharp rise in the complaints of these symptoms (eyes feel scratchy, red, watery and irritated).

Our common lifestyle of mobile phone use, air-conditioned offices, computer related eye strain are among a few causes of Dry Eye”.

At the Harley Street Eye Centre, dry eye is among one of the ophthalmic specialities we provide for. However, we have taken a new approach to dry eye treatment. By addressing the route cause of dry eye termed as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) we enable our patients to have 18 months of symptom free living.

Intensive Pulse Light (IPL) is employed at our clinic open blocked glands and to kick start under-secreting glands to increase the lipid component of your tear film to avoid dry eye symptoms.

Dry eye treatment is provided as a package which includes 2 consultations (before and after treatment), objective measurement of changes to the tear film (tear osmolarity testing) before and after, and 3 sessions of IPL.

For more information please contact 02039682030.
